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Hi My name is Troy Coleman, otherwise known as the hawk.
I am a British born fighter currently based in thailand. Former amateur kickboxing world champion 23 wins 0 losses. 26 amateur boxing with 2 losses. Now Professionally boxing 12 wins 2 losses.
My journey; I have been in Thailand for less then 18 months in this time I have racked up 7 fights, 6 in bangkok, 1 in dubai which was the only loss in a close points decision against highly rated cuban boxer yan marcos taking the bout with only 3 weeks notice. But what led me here?
I signed professional the year 2018 with my debut taking place September 22nd. With 1.5 years I had 6 wins all against durable journey men with no knockouts on my record, although I have respectable power (I'm often told) I was matched against tough experienced fighters with records such as 170 fights only stopped in 11 contests, or 123 fights only stopped in 3 contests, 251 fights stopped in 14 contests haha On paper it may look like these fighters are no good but they play an Important role In boxing and they have seen it all in the ring with experience one can only imagine, you can't just come and knock these guys out they are still proud fighting men and to them a victory is making a hards night work for a prospect or simply just not getting stopped so they can work next week.
Still early in my professional career and still finding my feet, I was eager to impress, I was asking for a 50/50 fights from my manager even less then a year from my debut, this wasn't to do with ego I believed that would bring out the best in me as i wanted to be involved in exciting fights. But instead we was hit with the covid pandemic. This effected not just the world of boxing but every aspect of life for most around the world & it also lead me parting ways from my long time amateur coach who took me 6-0 as a professional.
From there I moved to a different gym for no other reason than this gym was local I had sparred some of the lads for upcoming fights but it was available even during the pandemic as they had active professional fighters and although my orginal coach also did he didn't believe in opening the gym in such times in fears of safety so that's what initiated the split as a young pro I wanted to keep active.
I Made it clear as soon as I visited the gym that my intentions to fight asap and although I was still a novice in the professional ranks I was open to test myself against another prospect. After just 8 weeks with my new team, This mentality lead to me fighting river Wilson bent at the Time 7-0 3kos on my first national televised fight and my first professional title. This fight resulted in me getting clipped with one perfect shot in the 3rd round which ended the fight for me.
This loss I didn't know at the time but was the most significant thing to happen during my boxing career.
I would be lying if I said everything was great from this point... it wasn't I went from being a prospect who had never been stopped in any contest to losing in dramatic fashion infront of millions. This Hurt my pride alot, shame, embarrassed felt like I let people down but it was weird because part of me could say I fell out of love with boxing but that's not true I still believed in my heart I was going to be successful and now I had a burning desires to prove to everyone just that.
That being said I did have a break from the sport. A break where I couldn't even bring myself to watch a boxing interview let alone a fight, this carried on for about 6 months.
Slowly slowly I started missing the boxing lifestyle but we were still in pandemic times, so things wasn't simple with how the world was at the time but I was doing a little bit of training In different gyms sparring trying to keep myself busy as well as working full time.
My plan was to make a return. I had a holiday already planned which was a party festival in Croatia, this comes. 10 months after my loss to River Wilson. So the plan was simply enjoy this time and then when I get back its Time to comeback and fight.
During my time Croatia In reflection with where my life was heading, I decided on the last day of the holiday that I wanted to travel to Thailand and South East Asia as I didn't think the opportunity to do so would be so easy in the future. This was completely random not something i spoke about or expected to do it honestly just come to me as i was scrolling through my phone eating breakfast thinking I didn't want to go home lol.
So this was the plan, which means my boxing come back was on hold again.
Although my intentions was to do 6 months traveling but dedicate my first and last month to muay thai training camp so I can come back to the UK and be semi fight ready.
So after Croatia I was planning this next trip, which with planning, and saving money by working 2 jobs and training as much as possible, after 8 months I was ready to go thailand.
I headed straight to koh samui, lamai muay thai gym, this gym was recommended by a girl from my hometown who has been training there & the rest they say is history 🤣
I met a team of professional boxers in samui @tunalacedemy and with a shared passion for the sport we started to work together.
My 6 month travelling trip which consisted of 2 months training has turned into 18 months and well these days I have to get forced to rest.
I'm now living my dream. My focus, discipline and hunger to succeed has snow balled bigger and bigger before in the uk I was a talented fighter who was giving it 70% maybe less at times. Now with all experience I am 100% all in.
Before coming to Thailand only fighting 4 rounds with no kos, since I have had 7 fights 5kos, 3 ten round fights and one 8 round fight. I have Great team of coaches around me and I keep pushing boundaries and testing myself each week.
As you can see on my box rec i have been active 7 fights with in a 12 month time period, winning the wbc title and now recently defended it successfully and I won the wba title also. So now plan is successfully defend this and move on from asia, I'm currently ranked 145 in the world and 18 in the uk so big fights can be made in the future.
I honestly don't fear any challenges I have demonstrated that already in my career, amature and professional. I'm hard working, tall rangey fighter but an exciting style that just loves to fight... I have a will to win in everything I do I'm super competitive, that being said I've learnt that no one is un beatable.
So this career I don't know where else it will take me I'm sure there will be plenty more ups and even more downs. But one thing for sure is I'm getting better and better each fight 💯
I want to be a world champion a and an example of finding a different blue prints to succeed in boxing no matter the card delt in life. No one has to believe in you to be successful but you MUST believe in yourself. Take the rough with the smooth and enjoy the process.
Hawk x